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All About Child - Mathematical developmentPDF

Learning Goals for 3-4 Years – Mathematical Development

Rupa Sharat

All About Child

Mathematical Development

Mathematical development in the early years covers several elements like

  1. Numbers for labelling and counting
  2. Reasoning
  3. Problem-solving
  4. Calculating
  5. Shape, Space and Measurement

Math’s should not be taught through worksheets but through everyday experiences in our daily activities. Children should be able to practice applying the math concepts every day. Activities should be laid as such that this can be achieved.

 Numbers for labelling and counting

  • Counts reliably 3 objects
  • Says number names in order
  • Recognizes numbers 1-10
  • Knows that numbers can identify how many objects are there in a set/group
  • Beginning to represent numbers using fingers or marks on paper
  • Matches number and quantity up to 5 correctly
  • Shows curiosity about numbers by asking questions
  • Recognizes numbers in the environment

Reasoning and problem solving

  • Picks up puzzles with 8 or more pieces and solves them
  • Uses counting to count steps, objects in the environment, peers etc.
  • Applies the concepts learnt in everyday activities
  • Matches numbers to the correct quantity
  • Sorts objects with two attributes e.g. in a box full of 4 shapes in 4 different colours- sort all the red circles, sort all the blue squares


  • Understands one more OR one less
  • Compares two group of objects whether they are same or different, more or less
  • Understands that when two groups are put together they add up
  • Understands that number 4 can be made in different ways e.g. (0+4), (1+3), (2+2), (3+1), (4+0). Applies to all numbers from 1-5
  • Relates subtraction to taking away

 Shape, space and measurement

  • Shows an interest in shapes by playing with them, trying to construct something with them
  • Relates to the shapes they have learnt to the shapes from the environment e.g. the wheel of the car is in the shape of a circle
  • Uses positional language
  • Talks about the shapes during play
  • Describes objects using language of shape
  • Uses vocabulary for size by using words like small, big, long, short
  • Uses vocabulary for weight like heavy, light

Click here to view/ download all six areas of development:View / Download

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