This video is a sequel to the first video (mid-line crossing video – Part one) Hope you have had a chance to view this video, if not, please view where we have explained why some children struggle to read and write and one of the causes is midline crossing difficulties.
In the last video we had promised to showcase few exercises in the next video. This video presents exercises and in addition to the exercises, this video also looks at some of the indicators of mid-line crossing difficulties. This difficulty can be faced by both neuro-typical as well as neuro-diverse children.
- May Appear ambidextrous. That is they use both hands for doing writing or coloring tasks, but have weak grips on both hands.
- Display Poor writing capabilities. Here children tend to keep the writing tools on only one side of the body. They may place the book/paper in a tilted position, and they write from bottom upwards instead of from left to right.
- Show Poor reading skills. Reading requires visual tracking skills. When they start reading from the left and when they reach the middle they are unable to move to the right and can easily lose track.
- The Child may walk like a robot without swinging the arms.
- And May generally seem uncoordinated and clumsy tripping and falling many times, dropping things etc.