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All About Child - Understanding of the WorldPDF

Learning Goals for 4-5 Years – Understanding of the world

Rupa Sharat

All About Child

Understanding of the world

Understanding of the world deals with the world around children that goes beyond their immediate environment and family. It could include communities and places in the neighbourhoods, gatherings and celebrations that include a larger community involvement.

  • Show interest in people around them
  • Remembers and talks about significant things that have happened to them
  • Talks about special events like birthday, festivals etc.
  • Shows interest in the different occupations of people around them e.g. wants to help in cleaning the floor, interested in helping in the kitchen, likes to go shopping to buy vegetables etc.
  • Getting to understand that they are unique and not everybody is the same
  • Can talk about what they observe about plants and animals around them as well as what they see on media
  • Talks about why and how things work
  • Developing an understanding of growing, lifecycle etc.
  • Developing an awareness of caring for things in the environment
  • Knows how to operate electronic gadgets
  • Shows an interest in technology-related toys e.g. cameras, phone, knobs and pulleys etc.
  • Understands that information can be retrieved from computers and phones

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