We are working on language stuff, please wait it will come in future



We strongly believe in Theory of Change/ Impact pathway in realising our vision and we have in-built this in our design. This explains our assumptions of how we intend to bring about the changes in the Early Childhood Education (ECE) delivery to over 105 million in the age group of 2-5 years. Our delivery model is a combination of use of internet and collaborating with partners who are already working in the area of ECE at the grass roots. We don’t intend to duplicate our efforts.

In phase one (proof of concept phase) we will deploy the product in English in affordable private schools, measure its effectiveness and if required re-design the product. In phase two, we will deploy the products in as many Indian regional languages as possible. We are confident in showcasing the outputs, outcomes and impacts to the potential investors to support us in our mission.

The table below outlines our Theory of change/ Impact Pathway framework.

(what goes in)
(What happens)
(What are the immediate results)
(what are the medium to long term results)
(What are the results – sustained significant changes)
Subject matter expertise Content Creation
  • Parenting
  • Educators
  • Special Educators
Number of parents & educators reached & engaged Informed and effective parenting. Significant improvement in the effectiveness of Early Childhood Education delivery.
Funding Well researched content delivery in English (Phase one). Number of pre-schools adopted the resources/curriculum. Skills improvement in educators leading into quality delivery of ECE Holistic development of the children.
Human resources Content delivery in at least in two Indian regional languages (Phase two). Number of parents/pre-schools using resources/tools to identify special needs Increase in the number of special needs children mainstreamed. Children well equipped with the foundation skills to commence formal education.
Office infrastructure Robust delivery model (technology). Number of parents/preschools following interventions to overcome and mainstream the special needs children Parents & Educators are convinced that early intervention is the key in the child's development
Collaboration with other partners (NGO’s) who are already working on the ground to deliver content.
Outputs/ Outcomes assessment.